Singing Guide: The Hound + The Fox

Singing Guide: The Hound + The Fox

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Hound + The Fox: How to Sing Like Them

Vocal Techniques

The Hound + The Fox's vocal technique is a key aspect of their music. They use a distinctive style that emphasizes their harmonies and individual ranges. One way to achieve a similar sound is to focus on the following techniques:

  1. Breathing Control: Before diving into the song, take a deep breath and release it slowly. The Hound + The Fox often hold out notes for extended periods, and this technique will help ensure you can do the same without feeling breathless or running out of air.
  2. Harmonizing: The Hound + The Fox specialize in harmonizing their vocals. To achieve a similar sound, pay attention to both singing in unison as well as singing in harmony with another vocalist.
  3. Vocal Flexibility: A flexible voice is vital when trying to sing like The Hound + The Fox. To achieve that, work to expand your vocal range by regularly practicing challenging notes and pitches.

Songs to Help You Practice

Here are five songs performed by The Hound + The Fox that will help you learn their unique style:

  • Fool for Love: A beautiful song with a perfect vocal harmony that showcases the duo's vocal range.
  • Lifeline: A soulful tune that demands strong vocal control and the ability to sustain long phrases.
  • Big Tackle: A catchy and upbeat song with a memorable chorus that requires vocal flexibility to switch between octaves.
  • Oh These Times: This track has a folksy sound that demonstrates the need for harmony and timing in duets.
  • Home Kiss: A beautiful love song that highlights the power of singing with emotion and how setting the right mood can elevate your vocal performance.

Singing Carrots' Resources

The following Singing Carrots resources can help you train your voice and develop your singing skills:

  1. Vocal Range Test: This test assesses your vocal range and provides helpful feedback to guide your training.
  2. Pitch Accuracy Test: This test evaluates how accurately you sing pitches, providing guidance for improvement.
  3. Pitch Training: This interactive course contains vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizers, and exercises for improving range, agility, and accuracy.
  4. Song Search: This tool helps you find songs that match your singing style, vocal range, and genre preference.
  5. Singing Course: This comprehensive program covers singing theory and practical tips in 21 lessons.
  6. Progress Statistics: Keep track of your improvement over time and see how far you have come.
  7. Songbook: Create your performance set by linking lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio.


The Hound + The Fox is a talented duo with an enchanting musical style that blends folk, pop, and soul elements. If you're looking to learn to sing like them, focus on techniques like breathing control, harmonizing, and vocal flexibility. Additionally, use Singing Carrots' range of resources to fine-tune your singing skills and progress towards your singing goals. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.